Netsu Sokutei, 28 (3), p. 123, (2001)

特集 滴定カロリメトリー 2

等温滴定カロリメトリーによる水溶液中における 高重合度シクロデキストリンとヨウ素の複合体形成の熱力学的解析

Complex Formation of Large-ring Cyclodextrins with Iodine in Aqueous Solution as Revealed by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

本報は,大環状シクロデキストリン(重合度21から32のシクロデキストリンであ り,CD21のようにCDの後に数字をいれ略号でしめす。)とヨウ素の包接化合物形成に ついて熱力学的な解析を行った結果の解説である。CD6,CD7がヨウ素と1:1で結合す るのに対して,CD21からCD33では,1:2の協同的な結合モデルではじめて解析できる ことがわかった。すなわち,最初のヨウ素分子の比較的弱い結合の後で,次のヨウ素 分子の結合が強くなることが明かとなった。また,CD24およびCD26のヨウ素との包接 では特異的な熱力学パラメータが得られたので,その結果の解釈を構造の観点から試 みた。
Complex formation of large-ring cyclodextrins (CDs) having DP21-32 with iodine in aqueous KI solution was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). When the individual CD is shown, the term CDn is used, where n represents the degree of polymerization. For CDs in the DP range of 21-32, the curves obtained for the titration of the CDs with iodine can be analyzed by a model assuming 1:2 complex formation with identical interacting sites. For the case of two identical interacting sites, the binding constants K1 and K2 (K1<K2), defined relative to the progress of saturation, lie in the range 0.7 to 7.3×103 M-1 and 3.0 to 62.6×103 M-1, respectively. The values of ΔH2 and TΔS2 lie in the range -34.9 to -136.4 kJ mol-1 and -15.5 to -112.8 kJ mol-1, respectively. The largest values for -TΔS2 obtained for a CD26 can, in part, be attributed to a large decrease in conformational flexibility of the CD which occurs during complex formation. Based on ITC data, conformational changes in CD26 which are induced as the results of the formation of a CD-iodine inclusion complex are discussed in terms of the recently reported crystal structure of CD26.